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General View

Facilities / School Environment

Language Materials Room / Audiovisual Materials Room

The GENSHA (Graduate School of Language and Society) has two small library rooms, which are each managed by an expert assistant. Reference books may be borrowed from the Language Materials Room, and audiovisual materials such as DVDs may be borrowed from the AV Materials Room.

Language Materials Room: Monday - Friday, 9:00 to 12:00 and 12:30 to 17:00.

The Language Materials Room is a GENSHA "library" located on the south side of the 6th floor of the International Research Center. It houses a collection of approximately 4,000 reference books. A large, 8-person reading desk is situated within the library, and materials may be browsed at any time during the library's operating hours. Lending is limited to 3 books per person, for a period of 4 weeks. Long-term loans are also available during vacation periods.

In addition, during periods of reorganization, books that no longer belong in the collection may be given away to faculty, staff, and graduate students who may want them; they are often at a bargain price.

The "Kunimatsu Bunko," consisting of donations from Mr. Koji Kunimatsu, a scholar of German literature, is also part of the collection. Other exceedingly valuable books are also available for those interested in medieval to modern German literature, providing a rich environment in which to experience literature.

Audiovisual Materials Room: Monday - Friday, 8:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00.

The Audiovisual Materials Room houses AV materials including movies, theater footage, documentaries, etc., as well as LL materials for language study, which are available for lending at any time. A self-study booth is also available for these purposes. The AV Materials Room is also responsible for lesson equipment support (PC laptops, projectors, DVD players, etc.).

In addition, the AV Materials Room provides support for researching and preparing materials for lessons and practical training, multimedia production support, and various other arrangements.