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Overseas Research Exchange

Expanding Cooperation with Countries in East Asia

In order to promote the internationalization of education-based research, the Graduate School of Language and Society (GENSHA) has concluded a departmental exchange agreement with overseas education and research institutions. Collaborative activities with China, Taiwan, and South Korea in particular have resulted in remarkable developments.

These include both academic and student exchange agreements. The academic exchange agreement includes the acceptance of researchers from overseas research institutions, and includes the exchange of both research and persons of merit. Through this agreement, students of the GENSHA have the opportunity to interact with leading-edge East Asian research findings while remaining in Japan. Every year, the GENSHA holds lectures and symposiums, inviting a number of researchers from China, Taiwan, and South Korea.

The Student Exchange Agreement further supports the aforementioned student exchange program, including the dispatch/acceptance of students with a mutual agreement to waive tuition fees. Under this system, the school accepts graduate students from top universities in East Asia every year. Attending courses with students from different backgrounds should provide invaluable opportunities to all. Students also have the opportunity to study abroad, and experience the leading edge of education in East Asia.

A list of the institutions engaged in exchange agreements is as follows (institutions participating only in academic exchange are indicated with a *, and month and year indicate the date of conclusion).